Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Annual Report

Today I finished a year of blogging, and I am pleased to present to you guys, the first Annual Report.

My most read posts:

My 6th May 2011 blog, ‘Synopsis of an F grade movie’ remains the undisputed leader with 200 hits. The tally is akin to what we saw post Asian Games 2010, with China on top, undisputed, leaving the real competition between teams fighting for next two positions. China, had medals count of 416, which was twice as that of South Korea, which came second and had 232.

All I had to do was put three raunchy pics of Shakeelachechi and look what it has done to my blogsite? I am getting hit left right and centre!!

It concludes that Sex sells for sure, and that if you have the right Sex Cells you'll be able to sell yourself for sure! These results are a slap right across the faces of those guys who felt that this post was too crass to receive any attention at all.

My frequency:

My blog writing frequency was bad initially, that was till end of May this year. But look how it has picked up. Thanks to the blogpost ‘The weekend shopping’ and the comments and ‘FB likes’ you guys gave on it and its subsequent parts, I was encouraged to write more.

Special thanks to my friend Jee, for his great advice on breaking up my blog posts into little sections. It really did the trick.

Thanks for the encouragement, ye all!

My friends on blog:
Initially the website used to call them followers, but now it is members, which I think sounds better. The members list says that I have 11 in all.

Actually out of the 11, 2 are my wives. Don’t get mistaken I haven’t taken a second one. Elizabeth Jacob and Tara are both the same. She is just doing her bit, following my scribbling with twice as much dedication as the others.

Thanks to ‘Unni’ (Again, that’s my wife!) and to the other members, Jacob ‘Jee’ Varghese, Riji ‘Shiny’ Jacob, Sheena Sunil, Sonia ‘Chichu’ Ranjith, Anisha ‘Kuku’ Prakash, Vidya ‘Bidia’ Rajaram, Waseem Khan (the first member), Yogesh Mhadolkar and Jinas Khan.  

You guys surely make this website look better.

Who’s reading?

I have got 3,512 hits so far, and that’s a very encouraging number, considering my standard of writing. It converts to an average of just over 9.6 hits per day, which is very encouraging.

Thanks for those 12 votes you guys have given me on the website Well, I am in no way competing with anyone. The guy on the top has 13,269 votes, but this little number on my website matters a lot to me. It tells me that at least 12 people think that I can write and well enough to entertain someone. I am happy for that.

I hope that in the future I get better ideas and that I'll be able to sharpen my pen, so that you guys have something better to read. I am not a person who loves to read, so I am actually asking for a lot, when I ask my friends on FB to read my posts. Thanks to all those who have displayed the patience to read it, and more thanks for your comments; they have been very constructive.

So how much did I make?

If we are talking money, then I’ve made $5.19 so far. Thanks to all those guys who clicked on those risqué adverts post my most popular post.

If we are talking in terms of friends, I’ve done much better. Through the blog I’ve interacted with most of my friends, their wives and few cousins too. 

By now, most of you know how my house looks like, what my kids talk, what they do, what my wife cooks and above all, how bad it is when I break wind.

Thanks ye all. MUAHHHH!


  1. Great Going.... Looking forward for many more years of your blog

  2. Nice!! Thanks for the mention. :-)

  3. yeh tho shuruvat hai!!!
