Saturday, April 9, 2011

Mistrust / Journey from you to Him.

When I was just a boy, I had many friends,
Then I grew, and there was you.

I then met your friend, who had a big bust,
You had your doubts, and you lost my trust.

You dumped me, and my friends were none,
I joined the seminary and pumped my first nun.

I became a priest, and went around preaching,
But at the altar, I found, my eyes were crouching.

I found this lady who was coy and oozed piety,
Who, in my parsonage, later lost her sobriety.

Now she’d missed a period and she would soon carry,
So, using my office, I found her a man to marry.

When the kid was born he was dark and ugly,
And the hamlet knew; that the priest was guilty.

Next day dawn, I was bathing the sun,
When a guy with a gun, exploded my bun.

I blurted my last fart and let my soul depart.

As I reached the gate, God decided my fate.

He declared “Go to Hell and try to be glee”,
I begged “Please give me a chance, that’s my plea”

“I’ll change myself, please for heaven’s sake, believe me, you”
That’s when He replied “Bloody asshole, I don’t trust you” 

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