Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Reality Bytes.

Most of my friends who met/talked to me since my last post were indifferent. Except for one, who went ahead and promoted it on his FB page, most of my regular readers seem to have not read it at all. Whilst some informed that they abandoned it halfway through after realising that it was too crass for their taste, someone, who read it full, felt that deep down inside I was a pervert of sorts and someone else was surprised and informed me that it was too brash of me to write such blogs with my wife and sisters as my regular readers. One of my friends even asked me to go ahead and write ‘some thing new’ so I have a new post just for the sake of it and that he doesn’t have to see those explosive pictures every time he opened my blog page.

Unarguably, my last post was the crudest one that I have ever written, but incidentally the last one week was also the most happening one on my blogsite and my research has left me more confused than ever.

Here are some of my findings and what I deciphered thereof:

·       The last post got 85 hits within a week, which made it the second most viewed (or should I conclude read) post on my blog.

Getting more hits on a post does not necessarily mean that it is a popular post, primarily because it does not conclude that someone who has visited the page has actually read and liked it. The hits could be coming from one of my FB friends who inadvertently clicked on the link that I posted. Yes, whilst most of the clicks came through FB, quite a few were also through Google. And believe it or not, my ‘stats’ say that, in the last week, the ‘search keywords’ amongst others have been ‘Shakeelachechi’ and ‘jacob nelson brahma blogspot’.

·         At least five people thought that the post was funny.

·        Since the last post, I got four votes for my blog on the website www.blogwriteraward.com

Well, the ‘like’ click could be a general ‘like’ on the blog and not for any particular post, but I like to believe that it was all for the last one, since all the clicks came after that post.

·   I have been blogging for almost 10months now and as at date, through the monetize section, I have now made an earnings of up to $4/-, 50% of which was made in the last week alone.

After I monetized my blogsite, I hadn’t set any specific rules or filters on the kind of advertisements that would appear on my page. I let the website intelligently manage it, which it does based on the blog content. It was indeed surprising for me to find out that I made around $2/- in a span of 7 days with my friends clicking on adverts relating to ‘adult dating’ and ‘online degree programmes’. I am pretty sure that none of my friends are in the need for online degrees, so what are they looking for?

So, what do I do now? Should I get sober and write only nice, acceptable, morally correct stuff and expect good comments or, should I get real dirty and look for making more money while my readers secretly 'like' my post and browse those explicit sites?

It is a pain to change one just to please the others, and so, I will refrain from inflicting any such change and rather maintain my despicable self. All that I can do now is add a forewarning to my blog. So, along with the Hinglish/Minglish blah blah which is actually my camouflaged alibi to cover up my grammatical errors, here’s one more, which says “I write without inhibitions, so please read responsibly”


“Better to be genuine and outcast, than be fake and accepted”
-       Did I just say that?

1 comment:

  1. I agree man....take out those pics....
    Now I can't read your blog....worrying people might think I am visiting a A or B grade s?? blog....
